Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Pueraria Mirifica Pill Bust Compound Pueraria Mirifica 100 Capsule

Pueraria Mirifica Pill Bust Compound Pueraria Mirifica 100 Capsule 

Pueraria mirifica  is Thailand’s endemic species found mainly in the northern and western part of Thailand and has local name as “White Kwao Krua”. The Thai vine herbal plant is grown in association with the moderate-size trees ranking from timber wood to bamboo in the deciduous rain forest
                    Also Pueraria Mirifica is well known for natural breast enlargement and breast firming.
                    The Phytoestrogen compounds have positive effects on treating osteoporosis, prostate cancer,               
                    reduction of the menopausal syndrome and prevention of hormonally based cancers.

                    Phytoestrogens are not hormones, but they provide the same benefits as estrogen which is the  
                    body's primary source for breast enlargement.

                    Phytoestrogens maximizes the blood flow and estrogen distribution through the breast tissue.   
                    Your breasts will get bigger and firmer.

                    Pueraria Mirifica increases the fatty tissue around the breast. Pueraria Mirifica supports collagen               
                    which gives your breasts a soft but firm natural shape.

                    After starting to use the Pueraria Mirifica capsules results will show after 2 - 4 weeks depending 
                    on the quantity of tissue in the breasts.

The maximum increasement of the breasts will be achieved after 3 months of using Pueraria Mirifica.

Increases of breast size from 1 - 3 inches are possible. If one stops using Pueraria Mirifica completely, the breasts will return to it's old shape again over time.

If you want to keep the increased size and firmness of your breasts you should lower the dose from 1 daily to 2 - 3 per week.

If you want faster results, you can combine taking the capsules with using Boom Breast Cream, also made from Pueraria Mirifica. 

                   Benefit of Pueraria mirifica 
  • Serve as the "fountain of youth" for aged men and women 
  • Serve as an anti-wrinkle agent for aged and wrinkled skin 
  • Darken white hair, and increase hair growth 
  • Alleviate cataract problems 
  • Help with memory loss 
  • Increase energy and vigor, more reflexive bodily movements 
  • Increase blood circulation 
  • Increase appetite, and alleviate sleep disorders.

Features and benefits
  • Support women's health and tonic 
  • Help relieve menopause symptoms
Cautions : Do not use during menstruation period 

WARNING: Pueraria Mirifica should not be used by woman under 20 years of age as the body is not fully grown yet. Also pregnant woman should consult their doctor first. Please follow the dosage on the package.

Each Capsul contains :  Pueraria mirifica

Dosage :  one Capsules each time, one time daily after meal. ( after breakfast recommend)

Contains : 100 Capsules per  Bottle (100 mg Pueraria Mirifica extract per capsule each)

Used for  : Breast enlargement, breast firming, anti aging, ant wrinkle, female tonic, vigor, energy, power

****** Advised dosage is 1-2 mg/kilo per day. Example, if you weight is60 kg, you daily dosage is maximum 60 - 120 mg/day.

These capsules contain 100 mg Pueraria Mirifica per capsule. If your weight is over 75 kilo, you should consider to take our other Pueraria Mirifica capsules which contain 150 mg Pueraria Mirifica per capsule.

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